Counseling Services
Our Counseling Services work with families and individuals up to the age of 22.
Counseling Services
2,439 hours of counseling completed in 2023.
What it is.
In addition to the counseling provided for clients in our programs, City House offers free community counseling services. These sessions are with licensed therapists who are experienced in providing effective, trauma-informed, solution-focused individual and family therapy with proven results using evidence-based counseling methods. City House serves those needing counseling up to age 22. Free counseling is short-term.
In an effort to prevent youth from leaving home, City House provides short-term counseling to families and/or individuals. Our therapists work with those who are looking to stay in front of family challenges before they turn into runaway or homeless situations.
What it Helps.
At-Risk Behaviors
Family & Relationship Conflict
School-Based Concerns
Who it Helps.
Individual youth in need of counseling
Families with at-risk youth and/or unresolved family conflict
Need Help?
For immediate assistance, call (972) 424-4626
To report abuse or neglect, call 1-800-252-5400
Learn more about reporting abuse HERE.