Safe place
A non-profit ensuring safety for youth across the nation.
Safe Place
What it is.
City House is the designated Safe Place for Denton & Collin County. This means that youth in crisis can go to any location displaying the Safe Place sign or text SAFE to 69866 and they will be assisted in reaching City House. All Quick Trip gas stations and many YMCAs are designated Safe Places.
Learn more about Safe Place at nationalsafeplace.org.
How it Helps.
Providing assistance to youth in crisis
Providing connections to resources
Who it Helps.
Youth in crisis ages 17 and under
Need Help?
For immediate assistance, call (972) 424-4626
To report abuse or neglect, call 1-800-252-5400
Here’s why safe place matters:
“On Christmas Eve I received a call from Safe Place regarding two 17-year-old girls at the QT in Denton. The girls were best friends and had been struggling to find a safe, stable home.
We were able to get them to the Emergency Shelter that night. They still received holiday gifts despite being last minute additions to the shelter.
The girls have since both found a safe place to live outside of City House and were able to enjoy the holiday season."
- Katie Davis, Street Outreach Coordinator