
City House could not function without the support of hundreds of volunteers. My Friend’s House, the Transitional Living Program, Youth Resource Center, Administration and Development team all rely on the support of volunteer resources to fulfill our mission and provide excellent services to the communities we serve.
All volunteers must fulfill a series of steps before being able to volunteer with our children.
Attend orientation.
Register for orientation by emailing getinvolved@cityhouse.org. Find an orientation date that works best for you here.
A $20 registration fee can be paid here. This fee includes a City House volunteer t-shirt.
To volunteer for an event, you do not have to go through the orientation process.
Complete a background check. Consent forms are completed at orientation.
Present a negative TB test. Our licensing requires a TB test. If you have been tested within the past 6 months and have results, please bring a copy of your shot records to the orientation session.
For more information on group or corporate volunteer opportunities, contact Donna Brackeen, Volunteer and Donor Relations Coordinator.
Please note that due to our commitment to protect the children, volunteer opportunities for children under the age of 18 are limited and no court-ordered community service is allowed.
Volunteer Positions
This job involves answering phones, greeting visitors and providing clerical support to the staff.
Licensed food handlers who assist by creating and serving meals at our emergency shelter.
Involves basic housekeeping duties such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and tidying common areas.
Have a green thumb? Gardening gurus help keep the yards at our shelters in tip-top shape throughout the year.
Must have your teaching certification. Provide tutoring or be available to answer questions during homework time.
Individuals willing to cook or otherwise provide meals for our Transitional Living homes.
Assist in our Youth Resource Center checking in clients, helping them find resources, and occasionally roving.
Build a child’s self-esteem through positive interaction with children of all ages. Shifts over the meal hours entail helping the staff serve, encouraging children to eat new foods, and modeling social conversation.
Sponsor an outing such as bowling, playing whirly ball, going to a movie, or visiting a museum. If you have an idea, let us know so you can get approval.
We produce a number of fundraising events throughout the year and we always need a great volunteer to help us with flawless execution.
Volunteers do not have to attend volunteer orientation to participate in special events. Contact lrodgers@cityhouse.org to learn more.
Have an organization or business wanting to give back together? Email lrodgers@cityhouse.org to find a project that works for your group.
Meet our volunteers.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
— Elizabeth Andrew